Did Premier Meade Seek To Deflect on MDC Expense Claims Question?

Did Premier Meade Seek To Deflect on MDC Expense Claims Question?

Concerned Montserratian Voter

Release Date

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I took great pleasure in hearing the interview with Premier Meade on Monday evening, congratulations to Jeevan Robinson on an excellent question and answer session, let us hope that Monday next will be just as productive.

One item which left many questions to be answered was the issue regarding MDC expense claims which Premier Meade tried to deflect, namely the accompaniment of wives with executives on business trips abroad.

As for Premier Meade’s answer that the matter was presented to the Secretary of State but has subsequently been repealed, as an apology has been made. Who is this apology from, the MDC persons who made the claims?

If the MDC persons made the apology why did Premier Meade continue with the defence of their actions?

This defence signifies that although they may have apologised for taking partners on business trips they are justified and will no doubt do so again.

I am not in agreement that taking partners on business trips is acceptable and would ask DFID to clarify if this is within policy for such activities.

Maybe MNI Alive can investigate the policy further and also the activities of the MDC executives and their expenditure please?

Concerned Montserratian Voter


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