Dreams unto Holiness: Exploring the Power of a Sweet, Transcendent Sleep and Spirituality

Dreams unto Holiness: Exploring the Power of a Sweet, Transcendent Sleep and Spirituality

Karen Marshall (Ascot Media)

Release Date

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Sonoma County, CA, March, 2017 – Whether we realize it or not, some of our dreams offer a rich source of creative power and wisdom. God speaks to all of us all the time, even through dreams, author Marsha Sinetar says. Occasionally, we may experience 'holy' dreams, reflecting God's touch and presence with us during sleep. In Dreams unto Holiness, Sinetar gives us a fresh, powerful tool for our quest to spiritual wholeness.

Drawing on her life's work as an educator and corporate advisor and her experience as a Christian contemplative, Sinetar encourages us to be our authentic selves. Certain dreams are life-changers that help us find our purpose, Sinetar explains, and Dreams unto Holiness teaches us how to use the self-knowledge and strength we gain from spiritual (or holy) dreams.

The narrative includes a rich assortment of examples: media and scriptural stories and real-life dream samples adapted from decades of hearing people describe life-changing dreams they can't forget. The book also includes journal notes from the dream samples, a word-study method for interpreting some dreams, and a few bracing side-bar discussions related to the topic.

While she draws from her Christian experience, Sinetar insists the "holy dream” is not meant for an exclusive club; non-believers and those who pray and worship in unorthodox ways are often gifted with a high intuitive sense that grasps the hidden code of spiritual dreams.

Dreams unto Holiness, like Sinetar's previous books, is written for a wide crossover audience, including Bible study groups, book clubs, and diverse clergy and counselors. This groundbreaking work on the topic of dreaming and spiritual growth is one of the first of its kind, opening up new heart-paths and mental "maps” for the reader's mind.

Marsha Sinetar is the prolific, bestselling author of over 20 books (Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow; Ordinary People as Monks & Mystics). Sinetar is an educator, a world-class corporate advisor, and in her spare time an artist. She has been called "a good spiritual steward" and "a masterful writer who sees every human being with the capacity to master the hand he or she was dealt." Her universal, crossover ideas aim to improve the quality of life. Sinetar, a Christian contemplative, lives and works in the Pacific Northwest, "as quietly and simply as possible."

For more information, please visit: www.marshasinetar.com

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