Experts urge G7 to take immediate action on crises in Myanmar and Bangladesh


Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies

Release Date

Monday, April 16, 2018


Attacks perpetrated against the Rohingya ethnic minority in Myanmar since August 2017 have forced 688,000 Rohingyas, mostly women and children, to flee to Bangladesh. The UN Human Rights Chief has called it a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing,” while the United Nations Refugee Agency has called the situation "the fastest growing refugee exodus that the world has witnessed in decades”.

On April 16, 2018, over 30 experts from Rohingya and Myanmar advocacy organizations, academia, Canadian government officials,  humanitarian and human rights agencies gathered at the University of Ottawa for a daylong Experts’ Roundtable on the crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Building on the findings and recommendations of Canada’s Special Envoy to Myanmar, the purpose of their discussions was to develop a set of concrete and actionable recommendations for the consideration of G7 Foreign Affairs and Defence Ministers at their meeting in Toronto on April 22-24, the United Nations Security Council, and other governmental and non-governmental actors. Highlights of their findings will be shared at this briefing.

Speakers: Hon. Lloyd Axworthy,‚Äã Hon. ‚ÄãBob Rae, Samantha McGavin (InterPares), Farida Deif (HRW), Ahmed Ramadan (Burma Task Force)
What‚Äã:  Press Conference
When‚Äã: 9:00 AM, Tuesday April 17, 2018
Where‚Äã: National Press Theatre, 203-150 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5A4.

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