Montserrat now has Green Masquerades, Something New & Exciting


MNI Media

Release Date

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


News reaching MNI Media tells of a new masquerade troupe that is about to make its debut on Montserrat's cultural and artistic landscape.

"Green Masquerade" as it is being called, is the outgrowth of Shirley Osborne's desire to play mas' on Festival Day 2019, an idea amplified and improved by Montserratians all over.

Shirley says; "I wanted to take part in the Festival Day activities last year, and I wanted to do something exciting and new and creative but not necessarily in a troupe, so I thought and thought and just when I was about to despair, the thought of dancing masquerade hit me – but with a twist. That twist was the colour, at first, so I did some research into masquerading generally, into African masquerading and then Montserrat's."

She goes on to mention; "I started making the costume with a not really very clear idea of where I wanted to end up, so it took form as I worked, then I added some embellishments and finally the music - a song with meaning that resonated deeply within me – Rhythm of a People by Ella Andall from Trinidad and Tobago."

"People responded very strongly and positively to the green masquerade," Osborne says.

As the story of the Green Masquerade evolves, Shirley explains that at Little Bay Park that same afternoon, and in the days immediately afterwards, more and more people suggested that she create a green masquerade troupe, so that what was intended to be a very personal and time-limited contribution, has become an offering that can add to Montserrat's cultural development.

"So, of course, before I said yes to the suggestions, I talked to the Masquerade King, my friend Titus, and he immediately say, Yes, Shirls, and I will help you! Before I could even ask, Titus offered to train the dancers and to ask his musicians to play for us," Osborne reports. "I was so very happy. And now we are creating the Green Masquerades and Montserrat will have masquerades in 'ights, gold and now green!!"

Some of the persons who have commented positively on the green masquerades include Dr. Yvonne Weekes, Montserratian poet, playwright and professor of Theatre Arts at UWI Cave Hill who said green masquerade is, "Contemporising the masquerade while at the same time reminding us of its deep rooted African beginnings. Wonderful, she further enthused.

My friend Kingsley said, "It's really nice. Do a green masquerade troupe for next year, even if it's just four of you."

Anyone interested in joining Green Masquerade, please speak with Zen at easiLiving: 392-3274 and leave your name and contact information.

To support her Green Masquerade costume on Festival day, Osborne wrote a spoken word piece:

The Masquerade has been with human beings since the beginnings of history as art and artifice, ruse and strategy. Human groups have used masquerade to safeguard knowledge, transmit wisdom, strengthen traditions and protect community and Osborne has written Green Masquerade is Montserrat's Masquerade.

Green Masquerade is Montserrat's Masquerade.

An island of forest green mountains sheltering a people with hearts of gold

A people who light up the world like the sun,

who sparkle in the universe like moon and stars of the night.

A people bright and beautiful, mirroring the power, majesty and wonder of ALL Creation

a people good and strong, expressing creativity, industry and acumen in EVERY manifestation.

A people with African traditions that survived European oppression.

An ancient domain of men strengthened by the modern inclusion of women.

Montserrat's masquerade?! …a people bright and strong masquerading as tiny and powerless

to preserve our identity, empower our people,

protect our island and safeguard our recovery.

Then!!! …to masquerade as a people bright and strong to:

preserve our identity, empower our people,

protect our island and safeguard our posterity.

Green Masquerade. Montserrat's Masquerade.

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