Parenting in a PC World - New Book By Respected Child Psychologist Domenick J. Maglio, PhD

Parenting in a PC World - New Book By Respected Child Psychologist Domenick J. Maglio, PhD

Erin MacDonald-Birnbaum

Release Date

Thursday, January 19, 2017


From helicopter parenting to free-range parenting and everything in between, it's no secret the parenting landscape is forever shifting. With so much conflicting information as to what works and what doesn’t, it’s easy for parents to lose sight of how to be an effective leader in their family. The pressure to remain politically correct adds even more confusion to the mix: spanking, once a common practice parents swore by, just became illegal in France, making it the 52nd country to ban the corporal punishment at home.

So what are parents to do? How can they cut through the noise to determine the most effective way to raise well-adjusted, intelligent children?

Enter: Child advocate, educator and psychological therapist Domenick J. Maglio, PhD., who answers these questions and more with his latest book, In-Charge Parenting: In a P.C. Nation. Dr. Maglio utilizes his over 45-year career working with kids, as well as his own experience raising four successful children and eleven grandchildren, to share with parents everywhere the most impactful ways to instill critical moral values in their kids.

A sometimes controversial, yet powerful guide to successful parenting, In-Charge Parenting provides impactful advice on how parents can take back their power and raise thoughtful global citizens. Topics and themes explored in In-Charge Parenting include:

  • How being a parent is a sacred duty that requires them to teach the child to survive without them and be productive members of society.
  • That parents who let their child dictate to them gives the child a distorted vision of reality. It is a parent’s obligation to be in charge and treat their child accordingly.
  • The importance of giving a child clear, definitive consequences for positive or negative behavior and why it is essential for moral value lessons.
  • A discussion on whether we need to bring back now politically incorrect parenting methods such as moderate spanking.
  • And much more
Note: Domenick J. Maglio, PhD. has been an educator and psychologist for over 45 years. The recipient of an MA in Child Development and Family Relations from the University of Connecticut, and an interdisciplinary PhD in human development and counseling from the Union Institute and University, his professional career began as a counselor at Wiltwyck School for Disturbed Boys. Since then, his professional career has included time as a school psychologist, university professor, and department head in psychology and education, work as a clinical psychologist in a state prison, ten years directing a domestic violence counseling program, serving as the director of Open Door for Mental Health Program, and working as a staff psychologist at the Eckerd Foundation, as well as serving on the Board of Directors of the National Independent Private School Association.

For the past decade, Dr. Maglio has written weekly articles for newspapers and blogs throughout the nation. He is also the author of Invasion Within: Overcoming the Elitist Attack on the Moral Values and the American Way and Essential Parenting.

For more information, please visit, and connect with him on Twitter, @djmaglio.

In-Charge Parenting: In a P.C. Nation is now available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble and wherever fine books are sold.

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