Social Media Swarms With U.S Mega Millions Mania



Release Date

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


The following data shows the social media conversation around U.S mega millions lottery jackpot that has not yet been won.

Total number of mentions over 7 days: more than 179,000 (179,810)

  • Mega Millions mentions: more than 106,000 (106,880)

  • Power Ball mentions: more than 79,000 (79,930)

  • There is a massive spike in Mega Millions mentions on October 20th, with more than 23,000 mentions on that day alone

Total number of interactions (likes, RT, shares, comments): more than 1.8 million

  • Despite a higher volume of Mega Millions mentions, Power Ball mentions have a much broader engagement (PB: more than 1.5 million; MM: more than 300,000

U.S. states posting the most about the lottery, these are the top ones in the past 7 days:

  1. Maryland: 8,000

  2. New York, 4,000

  3. California: 1,000

 #IfIWonABillion Dollars, the top things people would do with their money include:

  • pay off student loans

  • invest in retirement

  • buy a home

  • quit job

  • give money to loved ones

  • donate to charities

Total number of unique authors: more than 35,000 (35,619)

  • Mega Millions: more than 15,000 (15,890)

  • Power Ball: more than 19,000 (19,729)

Women seem to be dominating the conversation for Mega Millions and Power Ball

  • Mega Millions: 65.8% female, 34.2% male

  • Power Ball: 58.8% female, 41.2% male

Mega Millions Ages:  25-34 years old (49.1%) and 18-24 years old (13.4%) dominated the conversation as opposed to 35-44 years old (12.2%), 45-54 years old (2.4%), and 55 years or older (0.7%)

Power Ball Ages:  25-34 years old (50.1%) and 18-24 years old (25.4%) dominated the conversation as opposed to 35-44 years old (15.2%), 45-54 years old (4.7%), and 55 years or older (0.8%)

Twitter was the top platform for mentions of Mega Millions (60.5%), while online news sources talked more about the Power Ball (31.6%)

Top Social Posts:

  1. @GeorgeTakei (Twitter):

  2. @KEEMSTAR (Twitter):

  3. @sparky18888 (Instagram):

  4. @theTylerTrent (Twitter):

  5. @AngelaBelcamino (Twitter):

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