Spoken Word: Changes

Spoken Word: Changes

William Galloway

Release Date

Sunday, December 7, 2014


Oh how the tide has turned
When grandpa once changed your pamper
Today you have to return the favor

Oh how the tide has turned
When the pusher man no longer lurks behind the door
Today he sells ganja legally from his new herbalist store

Oh how the tide has changed
When encyclopedias or dictionaries for home were bought or loan
Today every child has one on their phone

Oh how the tide has turned
When non-smokers, to catch a breath, had to step outside the bar
Now smokers have to step away and light up for sure

Oh how the tide has turned
To communicate you had to wait weeks for a mail
Today online it's seconds by email

Oh how things has changed
Once one had to wait for photos to see loved ones far away
Now you can see them instantly at work or play

Oh how things have changed
The police had the option to uphold the law or break it
Today he is monitored if he assaults or give you a ticket

Oh how things have changed
When traveling from port to port took agents and weeks spent
Today in two days you can be on two continents

Oh how things have changed
Preachers use to hide behind the collar and assault young boys
Now they are exposed and sent to jail as boy toys

Oh how things have changed
Amidst all that some things never change
The world awaits a participant
Like an honest used car salesman
Or a truthful politician


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