Spoken Word: Failure to Yield

Spoken Word: Failure to Yield

William "Bubbles" Galloway

Release Date

Friday, July 24, 2015


The crisp morning breeze caresses my face
As the motorcycle rumbles to work at a legal pace
Joyfully fulfilled and then there she was standing
Is it a crescendo or a welcome to my morning
She criticized the loud sounding pipes on the exhaust
But the rumbling give her thrills she thinks it's a blast
Dressed in her uniform armed and presumed ready
Do arrest me for my seductive thoughts yes I am guilty

Having a flirtatious mindset knowing she cares not
Wishing momentarily she'll change and I'm all she got
We've already came to a mind blowing horrific junction
I'm not her desire and she won't be part of my mission
No she likes what I like we can shop at the same bar
Her girlfriend is a ten plus she keeps me afar
She loves skydiving whitewater rafting hiking just like me
A risk taker hilarious and funny how I wish once she'll agree
Its like some guy did her wrong she's been there before
She swore under no circumstance she'll reopen that door
Maybe she'll get hit by lightening that'll change her mind
For today she looks like that pleasure I'm seeking to find

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