Spoken Word: Foolish

Spoken Word: Foolish

William "Bubbles" Galloway

Release Date

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Remember when you were young and foolish?
You were young and foolish
Love and sweet caress was the utopia of happiness
Sex was laden in the mind of sweet caress
Surmounted intelligence will out bridge the sublime
Parent's antiquated knowledge won't stand in time
Divorce was an uncashable check
Separation was a bad shipwreck
Bills were spending dollars in sight
And every fight was an entertaining night

Remember when you were young and foolish?
You were young and foolish
Friends were unconditionally going to be there
Fashion in the latest form climatic and debonair
Youthful strength will linger of epic measure
Time in close encounter was all about pleasure
Age was an antiquity chasm
Old age and bad health linger in the same realm
Someday you will win a million dollars
No doubt you'll own a mansion with Corinthian pillars
The answer for everything was always already known
Slow movements were for the adults full grown

Remember when you were young and foolish?
You were young and foolish
Everything experienced is new, it only happened to you
Adults never understood problems as you do
Death lived in a hermetically sealed bottle
The answer to getting anywhere lives under the throttle
Couldn't wait to grow up to be an adult
Every wrong thing was someone else's fault
Adolescent, indestructible, and fierce were your armor
In your mind the world shutter at your glamour
Remember when you were young and foolish?
You were young and foolish

Note: William "Bubbles " Galloway is our Resident Spoken Word contributor at MNI Media

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