Spoken Word: Let Her Rest

Spoken Word: Let Her Rest

William Galloway

Release Date

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Roll up the sod in the savannah, dusk in upon us
For save the dew drops may dampen the dust
The chirping crickets may hide beneath and weep
Or owls may hoot while she lays to sleep
Just a short power nap is what's in need
A rejuvenated source of energy her body to feed

Rest, her vibrant soul needs rest
for when the clock strikes she'll rise to the test
Long before the cock crows she'll be gone
Her rumbling soul will toil to the steel pan all morn
With a spirit as free as a bird from band to band
That beating heart keeping pace to the bass man
With sensuous seductive moves as she dances
Desire and lust burns within everyone's glance
Her waistline with perpetual motion will turn
Fixed eyes mouth agape to standing climatic yearn

Though desire beckons the beauty my eyes behold
Let her rest seize not the temptation that unfolds
Her charm and sweet innocence provokes lust
I'm saving energy or a moment with purlicue is a must
It's carnival the sound of music is in the air
Melodious soca, reggae and calypso in the atmosphere
Young and old partake in its celebration
Let her sleep beautiful and brilliantly for she'll rise for the occasion
And if she dreams where angels doth dare
Let it be of me who awakens running my fingers through her hair

Note: William Galloway is a freelance Spoken Word Contributor with MNI Alive: Global Caribbean Media


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