Spoken Word: Old Man Listen

Spoken Word: Old Man Listen

William "Bubbles" Galloway

Release Date

Wednesday, September 7, 2016


He sits on a bench sipping on a tall bottle of beer
He shouted there are fools everywhere
His eyes were Crimson but his lips were dry
His mannerism was gentle enough to get by
Beckoning come here young man he said to me
As if my name was lost and he found it in infamy
With conviction he said take a seat listen I promise I won't bite
He took another sip as if to be sure he was right
Listen they are killing black men everywhere and no one cares
The law gave the protector a permission that we are not aware

Don't get me wrong idiots come in every color and size
But to arm a fool and give him the law to back him is unwise
They bypassed the hose, dogs and lynching they just shoot you
The law is written to protect them regardless of what they do
Listen ask lady justice guilty for being black is in the legal jargon
No Blackman is safe as if judges are telling them well done
Stop and search have color designation and errant compilation
The world did not just stop and I inherently got admission
It's a scared racially motivated anger reflex
Further in this direction and they'll be shooting your woman next

Listen earn a million dollars do you fire the guard if he's stealing
Here your people the ones paid to protect and serve are killing
Not minimizing the concept they put their lives on line everyday
But a badge doesn't adjudicate judge and executioner in anyway
Life at risk is justifiable but face down or back turn even in flight
Yet the elasticity of the law with legal jargon makes that right
Listen it only needs two idiots to make a hundred look bad
But frequency of that view happening all over the country is sad
There is a limit too much of this alcohol will make me drunk
When will laws be changed to make this kind of killing bonk

Is it lack of tolerance or improperly trained with a chance to vent
Black wearing hoodie, running, standing, walking, all circumvent
Or is it buried racist ideology, oozing through corrupted brats
It wasn't taught in class because every officer is not like that
Most adhere to serve and protect but one damn mangy sheep
Now every year they offer Black families another reason to weep
Sadly violence does not change the fabric it smears the stains
A nation of laws cannot sleep and let idiots destroy the grain
Legal system cannot control a people when the soul is wounded
Laws only make sense when for all justice is surrounded
Taking a gulp he said "I think I need a nap my beer just finished"
As he lay back on the bleacher he said that's my wish

Note: William "Bubbles" Galloway is a spoken word contributor with MNI Alive Media

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