Artists to Lorde: Messages of Support from Peter Gabriel, Brian Eno, Roger Waters, & More..

Artists to Lorde: Messages of Support from Peter Gabriel, Brian Eno, Roger Waters, & More..

Release Date

Monday, October 1, 2018


On 5 January 2018, more than a hundred international artists signed a letter to the Guardian in the UK in support of New Zealand singer Lorde’s decision to cancel her gig in Tel Aviv later this year.

Since then, some of those signatories have given APUK permission to publish the personal letters they’ve also written to Lorde. We're happy to share, amongst others, Brian Eno’s and Roger Waters' moving expressions of solidarity and support, while Peter Gabriel’s message affirms the need for artists to stand up for human rights.

Peter Gabriel:

"Comparing the evidence in this case, of rights enjoyed by an Israeli citizen and rights enjoyed by a Palestinian in Occupied Territory reminds me so much of Apartheid South Africa.

"Artists need to be encouraged for campaigning for human rights, not attacked. We should support all those who suffer terrible human rights abuses – and support the millions of Jewish people and compassionate Israelis who believe a peaceful future in the Middle East is impossible without a resolution that recognises, respects and protects the rights of all its people."

Brian Eno:

"I'm personally so grateful to you for having the courage to make this decision. I think you've made a big difference and you'll be remembered for it." ... "I write as one of the millions of people who appreciate what you did. Our comments won't get echoed around as much as the hatred will, but I want you to know you're not alone: you have a movement with you. And it's getting stronger."

Roger Waters:

"Dear Lorde,
As Ken Loach has expressed, “You either stand with the oppressed or you stand with the oppressor.” There is no middle ground. To your great credit, Lorde, you have chosen to stand with the oppressed. You are a brave woman, it is not an easy path to take, but you set an example for others who are afraid to speak out. You give a voice to the voiceless.
We welcome you and thank you.
Love R."

More artist expressions of support can be found here.

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