Mind Your Business

business success


Release Date

Saturday, January 14, 2012


For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Jer. 29:11

Businesses don't operate and become profitable due to chance. Owners dedicate time, hard work, and implement well thought out plans. Why should life be any different? You should operate with purpose and intent to achieve the goals and the life you desire. Random lives operate without focus and control. Although life requires some spontaneity, there is a difference between being spontaneous and leaving outcomes up to the forces of the universe. We all own a business, because life is a business. Your life is your business. You represent the ultimate brand, and you are selling the ultimate product. If you want the right people to invest in the business of you, you must market yourself according.

When marketing your life consider the following:

Visibility - No one will know you exist or what you have to offer, if you refuse to network. Twitter and Facebook are not outlets to air dirty laundry or gossip. They are great networking tools, and will allow you to connect with like-minded individuals. Attend events, make new friends, and never leave home without business cards.

Connectivity - No matter how visible you are, if you fail to relate to others and form a connection, you might as well move to Mars. Take a genuine interest in others and get to know them beyond the surface. Don't ever attend an event and stand around waiting for someone to talk to you. That's unacceptable. Take the spotlight and own the moment.

Presentation - How you present yourself will affect your visibility and your connectivity. When you look great, you feel great. When you feel great, you socialize in a more meaningful and confident manner. Always look your best no matter where you're going. Whether you're going to church or the grocery store, present your package in the best possible way.

I am a firm believer that one's exterior should be a true reflection of one's interior. Therefore, the confidence the world sees should generate from within. This makes you want to look great on the outside because inside you're 10 feet tall.

I am aware that some individuals lack confidence and use material possessions to create an illusion of confidence. If this applies to you, you are not being your genuine self. You need to do some internal reflection, because material possessions will only take you so far. Confidence that exudes from within and stands alone, will take you to infinity and beyond.

Every business owner wants to execute a venture that operates to infinity and beyond. Even though failure is a part of reality, no one executes a business plan with the intention of failing. People hope their ventures will have longevity. Successful businesses continue operation long after the founders have passed. What legacy will you leave? How will you be remembered? What are you contributing to the world around you?

When you view your life as a business, you give yourself options, direction, and purpose. You create and seek out opportunities, instead of waiting for opportunities to find you. You decide what type of men you want to date, instead of waiting for him to magically show up; you decide what career you would like to pursue, instead of being solely dependent on that 9-5; and you decided the direction of your life, instead of giving others that control. Random lives will attract random events, random people, and result in an unfinished product. Going forward, you are no longer limited and waiting because you have plans. You are your best, genuine self and a fearless risk-taker.

Editor-in-Chief's Note:EBONIE-MARCHÉ JONES is a freelance writer with MNI Alive

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