Notice is hereby given, in keeping with Section 46 of the Co-operative Societies Act, No 4 of 2011, that the 49th Annual General Meeting of the St Patrick’s Co-operative Credit Union Ltd will be held at the Montserrat Cultural Center, Little Bay, Montserrat on Tuesday June 14, 2022 commencing at 5:30 PM for the following purposes:
Registration of attendees will commence on May 30, 2022. Members are kindly asked to contact the SPCCU or visit our office in Brades to register. Please note that hard copies of the AGM Booklet, the respective Audited Financial Statements and the Minutes of the 47th & 48th Annual General Meeting will be made available on Friday, June 10, 2022. The latter two will also be made available on the SPCCU Website.
Registered members will also be able to view and participate virtually in the AGM via conference. This service will be operated by LiveIslands.
Please note that the applicable COVID 19 protocols will be in place and members are encouraged to wear a mask or face covering.
(Sgd.) George Skerritt (Mr)
Secretary of the Board of Directors