Three Nevisian Properties Attain Hospitality Assured ® Certification


CTO Release

Release Date

Monday, May 4, 2015


The regional tourism industry standard for service and business excellence has reached Nevis. Three properties on the "unspoilt, unpretentious, unforgettable" 36 square mile island have achieved Hospitality Assured® (HA) certification, enhancing their reputation for high standards of service quality.

The Nelson Spring Beach Resort, Nisbet Plantation Beach Club and Oualie Beach Resort have been presented with certificates confirming that they have successfully completed the rigorous assessment process and have satisfied the criteria to obtain the HA certification.

They now have the Hospitality Assured ® framework in place, which helps them to continuously raise their service quality standards, focus on their customers’ needs in all aspects of their business, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty and improve overall business performance.

"The process of applying for and qualifying to be Hospitality Assured has opened an avenue for us to evaluate and upgrade our business practices, strive for innovation as well as give our business plan more attention while we focus on our future goals. Our staff has had renewed vigour, knowing that they are in fact taking part in holding up the Nelson Spring Beach Resort Customer Promise. The focus on their education and participation as a team at the resort has meant greater growth and development which can only lead to greater job satisfaction," said Jeanette Grell-Hull, the general manager of Nelson Spring Beach Resort,

"It was a journey indeed, it was a lot of work, a lot of hours, a lot of dedication in terms of getting the work done but through it all we did it and I’m proud to say that the Oualie Beach Resort has been Hospitality Assured Certified. Being Hospitality Assured helps us to reach a higher standard of customer satisfaction," added Faith Bertie, the general manager of Oualie Beach Resort .
Nisbet Plantation Beach Club celebrates its 25th anniversary this year and it sees HA certification as the ideal anniversary present.

"Today’s traveller has a vast array of options both for lodging and seeking travel opinions, however, being a property with the Hospitality Assured designation gives them great confidence as it promises that their stay experience and expectations will be met and exceeded here at Nisbet Plantation Beach Club," comments general manager Alistair. Forrest. "Hospitality Assured has rigorous standards to ensure that service excellence is guaranteed, which complements what our guests have always told us, that as stunning as our property is, it’s our service that makes them want to return. We’re thrilled to now be recognized for our commitment to quality by being certified by Hospitality Assured."

Hospitality Assured is a certification programme promoting service and business excellence in tourism and hospitality companies. It is owned by the Institute of Hospitality in the United Kingdom, and licensed by the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) for use in the region. The process in Nevis was supported by the Organization of American States (OAS), through the ministry of tourism.

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