Good morning Bas:
Do we have elected leaders in this island? Do we only hear them during Parliament? Did they forget we put them in office? It’s because of our votes that they can now be living large and in charge. Why have they stopped speaking to us the people? Is it because we are not needed anymore? So, nothing we have to say counts?
So, we say that foreigners come here to just learn from us, get their passports and move on; but Basil the politicians are even worst! These politicians are from here - they know us! During elections we can’t get peace from them, but as soon as they get into office and are making their healthy salaries, we are forgotten. So just like the foreigners, the politicians are using us the people - so many issues here and they are quieter than dumb people.
Why do we continue to do this nonsense to ourselves every election? It baffles me? Next election, stop the voting for friends and put people in office who genuinely love and care for this island and its people. Listen to how some of them speak to us as if we are children and they are educating us. Montserrat, time to step up or step out, otherwise we will be in this mess 30 years from today. Politicians stop taking the people for granted; we put you there we expect to hear your voices.