Why Put It Off?


Trevon Pollard

Release Date

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


A frequent practice for us as human beings when faced with criticism, is that our first reaction is to get defensive. The majority of us are operating below the level of our highest potential because of the lack or inability to execute. This continuously retards our approach to productivity in normal life, which is obviously a position less than beneficial to us unless it is revamped. Daily conversations with individuals on the drive in to and from work have revealed that many "degreed" persons have chosen to settle rather than hold out for a particular job, because many are not working in the field of their interest and therefore not operating at their full potential .

Utilizing the full potential of individuals in our society breeds, in tandem, a rising level of productivity. All too often, we second guess ourselves and are afraid to take that great leap forward into charting new courses. Just one idea can fuel a lifetime of sustainability. Some of us are continually dwelling on the negative outcomes of what could go wrong, which would in turn kill your drive and ability to realize those ideas.

The local situation at home shows that a majority of persons are working for a governmental organisation or a private company in which they would not, if the right opportunity had arisen. Some of us harbour healthy aspirations of owning our own businesses or developing some idea or dream but are presently too comfortable in our "work space" and avoid taking reasoned risks .
A quotation from Grant Cardone is as follows..."If you want more money, more freedom, and more goodness in your life, you must learn to use fear as fuel. More wins start to come for every brave step forward you take".

The transparent nature of this quotation highlights the need for us to muster up that courage to take that risk, try! Journey towards maximizing your potential and stop procrastinating! Procrastination over the years has aided in the retardation of our individual rates of productivity and competences. Continual procrastination becomes chronic and excuses or put offs become repetitious. Remember humans are creatures of habit!

Tips towards mustering up that courage,

Find a mentor in your field of interest

Write down your goals and review daily

Research your interest and how you would be able to execute, knowledge is power.

Give yourself time frames and work towards them.

By putting these tips into constant practice, you are well on your way towards inspiring and empowering the "better you" within by being to take that leap. Creating a strategy towards developing your success only increases your chances of being successful at executing this goal.


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